CT ratio option greater than 2000/5 not working in localhost application

Hi Team,

I want to add additional CT ratio to your application. Currently, I have customize your application to include additional CT ratio up to 2000/5A. CT ratio works fine up to 2000/5A.  However, after I added CT 2500/5A using your library, I got this error as in the captured picture. Does your library support CT greater than 2000/5A ratio? Can you please help me verify this problem? 

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If you are familiar with JavaScript(I see you have changed the UI of the IAMMETER-docker by yourself), strongly recommend focusing on this https://imeter.club/topic/89 

You can develop your own monitoring easier and flexibly.

The IAMMETER-docker also provides the MQTT broker service.

Hi Team!

After the update 2500/5 ratio works fine. Thank you very much for your support. 

Hi Team, Thanks for the update! I will test the new ct ratio setting with my team and get back to you.

Hi Team, 

Thanks for the update! I will test the new ct ratio setting with my team and get back to you.

We limit the CT ratio in code.Now, we have upgraded the docker to ver2.0, you can find the 2500:5 in ver2.0.Please let me know if your problem has been solved in the new version.

We limit the CT ratio in code.

Now, we have upgraded the docker to ver2.0, you can find the 2500:5 in ver2.0.

Please let me know if your problem has been solved in the new version.

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