Connecting the ventilator of the SCR-485?
Dear all, yesterday I managed to get my new SCR-485 running and integrate it into Home Assistant.
The ventilator that is mounted on the heatsink is not connected yet so it does not run.
Can I connect the ventilator to the 220/230 V wires?
(on some pictures I saw here it looks like that)
Did you connect the ventilator parallel with the INPUT wires?
That way the ventilator will run all the time and at a constant speed?
Or to the OUTPUT wires?
So it only runs when the SCR-485 provides power and at a variable speed?
Thanks in advance!
The cooling fan is connected to the input terminal. If your installation environment does not have good heat dissipation.
I am going to put the SCR-485 in a protective box, because of the exposed 220/230 V connectors/wires.
So I will connect the ventilator like you advised.
And I will drill holes in the box to provide for fresh air flow.