Multilple meters in single site

Hello, is it possible to have multiple meters in a single site? we are currently looking forward to install 12 meters and would like them to be monitored as a single IAMMeter site.

Thank you!

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1 there are no limitations on the quantity of the meter that can be added to one IAMMETER account.

2 Yes, you can indeed add more than one meter in one place like the above pics(In this pic, you tried to add another meter in the place of oficina senergysol).

3 But we recommend there is only one energy meter in one place.
Because if you add more than one energy meter in one place, you can only view the report by the sum result(power,kWh) of the energy meters, not the individual.
You can add more than one place, each place contains one energy meter. Then you can view all the reports with regard to the individual energy meter in the corresponding place.
If you want to analyze the sum result ,we also provide a function called "Virtual site", you can view the sum result and compare the individual result in this function.

I'm sorry for the last question, just saw you can do this by going to meter > add new meter and just pick the site you want. Thanks!

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