time and Forward data to IAMMETER cloud platform...


i have a problem white the time in DOCKER ....

time TESTPLACE: compteur :=> OK

time on the graph, not OK.

And the second problem .... the same dat are forward to IAMMETER cloud and i can't see all data ??, why ?

(the time are ok in the cloud)


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1. Please provide the timezone setting of your Docker and the timezone of the computer where you're using the browser. It's necessary for the two timezones to be consistent.

2. Under certain conditions, this could lead to loss of uploaded data. It's necessary to update the Docker app. We will release a version update soon.

hi i have a problem white the time in DOCKER ....time TESTPLACE: compteur :=> OKtime on the graph, not OK.And the second problem .... the same dat are forward to IAMMETER cloud and i can't see all data ??, why ?(the time are ok in the cloud)Thanks
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