Reset the kilowatt-hours (kWh) of the Energy meter by a modbus/rtu command

For safety concerns, we do not provide an easy way to reset the kwh of the wifi energy meter.
(Another important reason is even if you add an energy meter with none zero kWh into IAMMETER, it will also work properly, not affect any analysis)
Considering some customers need to reset the kWh for some reason, we open the method in public here.

If you want to reset the kWh of the energy meter,you need to wire the RS485(9600/8/n/1) and send the corresponding command to it

For WEM3080(single phase energy meter) , this command will reset both forward and reverse kwh.

01 10 00 0C 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 F3 FA (reset both forward and reverse kwh in 3080)

For WEM3080T(three phase energy meter), the forward and reverse kwh need to be reset by two commands

01 10 00 63 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 B5 92 (reset the forward kwh in 3080T

01 10 00 66 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 75 AD (reset the reverse kwh in 3080T

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How to send the corresponding command to the meter?

You should wire the RS485 firstly and use a serial communication software in PC to send this command to the device.

How to send the corresponding command to the meter?


No recommend one, any software that can send the serial hex code would be OK

Is there recommended software

i have successful connected but when i send the command the device does not respond

please show me more information 

1 the wiring photo on the energy meter.

2 the snapshot of the serial software, that is used to send the command from the laptop to the energy meter.

i have successful connected but when i send the command the device does not respond

Hello @Lao kindly assist us on this process all the methods have not worked,you can advice the best converter and also the Best serial software to do it.Simply you can also share a video in your youtube channel showing the same.

Ok, we will provide a tutorial next week.

You can use this tool to easily reset the kilowatt-hours (kWh) of the Energy meter:

This is the user manual:

Okay Waiting for it 

Hello thanks this worked

You can use this tool to easily reset the kilowatt-hours (kWh) of the Energy meter: is the user manual:
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