Graph for Reactive Power (KVar)


Is it possible to add a feature to a graph to monirtor the reactive power (KVAR). There is a feature to monitor Real Power, PF, appearent power, but not reactive power. This should be a simple math to get reative power.


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Hi,do you mean to show the reactive power directly in the graph?

Hi, do you have a date when this can be shown directly in the graph without extra steps?.Thanks

Hi, do you have a date when this can be shown directly in the graph without extra steps?.


How to export the data of the energy meter ,please refer to 


The export csv file of the energy meter indeed does not include the apparent power now.
But you can add a simple formula as below,

Yes, I understand there is a feature to graph PF and apparent power. I would like to see Reactive power on the graph. Is there a way to export the graph data point so I can make calculation in excel?


You can get the data graph of the Power factor and apparent power from IAMMETER now, but not include the reactive power yet.

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