Upload data from API (meter) to IAMMETER-Cloud


a couple of days ago I installed one WEM3080T meter as grid meter in the house. I created a docker host and do also send the data to the IAMMETER-Cloud. This is working perfect.

Now there is also a solar inverter. I do grab that data with a python script and push them via the API to the docker host. In this case, I don't have a regular (valid) SN for the meter. This means that meter data can not be sent to the IAMMETER-Cloud?

Would it be possible to get for such kind of cases a "dummy" SN or a "test" SN to allow uploading API data to IAMMETER-Cloud?

Kind regards and thanks in advance

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In fact, the service of the IAMMETER-cloud is not free. When you buy the IAMMETER product, the service fee had been included in the product price.
So you can not use a dummy sn to upload data to IAMMETER-cloud.

For your question, there is a compromised method now,
you can register an account on our open platform. 

As below pic,

There will be a "test SN“ when you signup into the IAMMETER open platform, you can use this sn to upload data. 

But please note, this "test sn" can only be used for this account(in IAMMETER open platform), it can not be deleted and added to another account in IAMMETER-cloud.
You can also add your legal SN(the SN associated with the product) to the open platform account(You need to delete the sn in IAMMETER-cloud firstly).
The open platform of IAMMETER has the same function as IAMMETER-cloud now.

Please also note, we may stop providing the "testSN" in IAMMETER open platform signup process in the future, but it still works now.

Thanks a lot, that did the trick.

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