It's possible make hardware reset.

The device has reset its IP address to, but I can't login with my username and password. Default user:admin and password:admin don't work.

It is also not possible to read data via the RS485 MODBUS protocol, even though everything worked before.

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1 my colleague had replied you the modbus protocol in email.

2 It is so strange that the default username and pwd can not visit the because we do not provide the function of change these in firmware yet.

Whether the popup for entering username and password have appear?
If so, what it respond when you enter admin:admin ?
we need more information to confirm what had happen . it is better to record the screen operation and provide a video.  

It's possible make hardware reset.The device has reset its IP address to, but I can't login with my username and password. Default user:admin and password:admin don't work.It is also not possible to read data via the RS485 MODBUS protocol, even though everything worked before.
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