Install options with Battery

I have had a look at the install instructions and could not find a recommended setup for systems with batteries within the app and wiring diagram to set it up successfully.

I have three phase power monitor

CT1 Solar

CT2 Hotwater

CT3 Grid

I also have single phase monitor which is currently monitoring household load, so I don't need to run calcs and data reliability to other systems, because the data is always positive.

How can I get this to include the battery flow information?

I need to keep the hotwater one because it is going to be used for relay trigger on the inverter.

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Hi Dan:

Whether the battery is a DC that connected to a hybrid inverter or an independent AC storage?

Victron Hybrid Inverter, BTD LV Flex DC batteries connected. Does this answer your question?

Yes, it is clear enough.

Since the DC battery is directly connected to the hybrid inverter, IAMMETER cannot monitor the DC battery independently.

You can also install the meter on the inverter side, but its output is a combination of solar generation and battery power.

For example:

  • If the solar generation is 5kW, but the inverter only outputs 3kW, the remaining 2kW is used to charge the battery.
  • At night, the inverter might output 1kW, which comes from the battery discharging operation.

Currently, IAMMETER cannot monitor the charging or discharging operations of a hybrid inverter. It can only be treated as a normal inverter that outputs power even at night. However, this does not affect the calculation of the self-use rate.

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