Welcome to Test the Latest Firmware for IAMMETER Energy Meter i.76.056

For more details , please refer to https://www.iammeter.com/newsshow/blog-firmware-20241102


Upgrade List

  1. MQTT Discovery in Home Assistant: Ensured that MQTT discovery remains functional even after Home Assistant is rebooted or reset.https://imeter.club/topic/697
  2. Bug Fix: Resolved thecross-site issue for improved stability and security.

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Hi, New firmware have problem with CORS, when I want to get json from script.

Please let me know your specified operation 

Hi, New firmware have problem with CORS, when I want to get json from script.

we found this issue and would release a new version soon.

Please let me know your specified operation 

Please try this version 


Upgrade List

  1. MQTT Discovery in Home Assistant: Ensured that MQTT discovery remains functional even after Home Assistant is rebooted or reset.https://imeter.club/topic/697
  2. Bug Fix: Resolved thecross-site issue for improved stability and security.

Hi, New firmware have problem with CORS, when I want to get json from script.
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