Random connection loss to wem3080

I've had the wem3080 installed for a few years, and it often fails to update data to my account, then without any action on my part, reconnects. The wifi signal to its location is good, and all other devices have no problem in that area. Can you suggest a reason, and solution? Here is an image of the latest dropout yesterday:

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1 please let me know the led status in the front panel.

2 please check whether the local IP still accessible 


I have  the same problem. The meter keeps its connection, but it is randomly offline and online. See attached screen. Sometimes it runs stable for several days, sometimes it loos connection few times during the day. What is interesting, I can see Iammeter to be connected to router, but it is offline in the App. So there may be problem win cloud communication?


I've had the wem3080 installed for a few years, and it often fails to update data to my account, then without any action on my part, reconnects. The wifi signal to its location is good, and all other devices have no problem in that area. Can you suggest a reason, and solution? Here is an image of the latest dropout yesterday:


This "disconnection" problem is a little complicated, there are many possibilities.
Please let me know the answers to such questions below.

1 when it stops uploading, whether the led in the front panel of the energy meter is still on?

2 If the wifi LED is off, whether the ap name with iMeter_yourSN appears?

3 if the wifi LED is still on, can you visit the local IP of the energy meter successfully (I saw you said " I can see Iammeter to be connected to router", I do not confirm how do you give such a conclusion if you just find the device in the DHCP pool from your router, I think it is not enough, please try to visit the local IP of the device and check whether it is still accessible.). 

4 Please let me know which "run mode" do you used when it disconnected from IAMMETER cloud?

Cloud or MQTT.


We have once met one environment that may cause such a problem.
A specific brand router + some AP, mesh connection.
The router broadcast some commands frequently(seems the commands regard the DHCP), which leads the energy meter can not be accessible by the local IP, and the uploading is stopped at the same time.
What is more interesting is such a command just affects the device occasionally, not definitely. And if the command causes the device down, it can also resume the device in the next broadcasting.
It seems this command disables the IP of the device but keeps its wifi connection.

we do not find the exact reason for this issue, because this environment is not in our office, we can not get more information, such as the details of the command.

Hello,I have  the same problem. The meter keeps its connection, but it is randomly offline and online. See attached screen. Sometimes it runs stable for several days, sometimes it loos connection few times during the day. What is interesting, I can see Iammeter to be connected to router, but it is offline in the App. So there may be problem win cloud communication?THX,Lukas


ad 1) when the connection is lost, the WIFI LED keeps lighting red. I think, it is red all the time. The green "RUN" red is blinking. 
ad 2,3) it is true, I can connect directly, bud only if I disconnect it manually from the router. Otherwise, the device is accessible via local IP without any problem. Also I can see it connected with router (Asus) App. I am using Asus AImesh. As you have mentioned, there mey some interference with a mesh. But afterwards, the disconnection problem occurs randomly. 

ad4) I am using iammeter as cloud. In furute I will go through homeAssistant. So I hope there will not be such a problems in the future. 

I will try to run iammeter on its own host network. So we will see.


Hi:This "disconnection" problem is a little complicated, there are many possibilities. Please let me know the answers to such questions below.1 when it stops uploading, whether the led in the front panel of the energy meter is still on?2 If the wifi LED is off, whether the ap name with iMeter_yourSN appears?3 if the wifi LED is still on, can you visit the local IP of the energy meter successfully (I saw you said " I can see Iammeter to be connected to router", I do not confirm how do you give su

Hi LukasHal:
The Wifi led is only on when the energy meter has connected to the router successfully.
If you power down the router and ap or change the wifi setting to a random one(Ex: change the SSID setting randomly), you will find the device would lose connection with the router/AP and the WiFi LED would turn off.

If the led of wifi is on, it means the energy meter is still connected to the router.
But I think you already can not visit the local IP(allocated by the router ) at that time.(If possible, please help us to confirm this. When it stops uploading and WiFi LED is still on, whether the local IP can be visited?)

I think this problem is the same as I mentioned above: 
"We have once met one environment that may cause such a problem.

A specific brand router + some AP, mesh connection.
The router broadcast some commands frequently(seems the commands regard the DHCP), which leads the energy meter can not be accessible by the local IP, and the uploading is stopped at the same time.
What is more interesting is such a command just affects the device occasionally, not definitely. And if the command causes the device down, it can also resume the device in the next broadcasting.

It seems this command disables the IP of the device but keeps its wifi connection."

The simple method to solve this problem is to let the device be connected to a router/AP that has nothing to do with the mesh connection.

we will also try to build the same environment in our lab and try to find the reason for such a problem.

Hello,ad 1) when the connection is lost, the WIFI LED keeps lighting red. I think, it is red all the time. The green "RUN" red is blinking. ad 2,3) it is true, I can connect directly, bud only if I disconnect it manually from the router. Otherwise, the device is accessible via local IP without any problem. Also I can see it connected with router (Asus) App. I am using Asus AImesh. As you have mentioned, there mey some interference with a mesh. But afterwards, the disconnection problem occur
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