JPY currency setting and tiered rate of power tariff setting

1. Japanese Yen cannot be set in the currency setting items.
2. The following tiered rate of power tariff cannot be calculated.
       0 -15kwh = $341.01 (fixed charge)
   15 - 120kwh = $341.01 + $20.1 x (consumed kwh -15kwh)

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It came to appear now.
This problem was resolved thanks to your support.

Got it !

Thank you for the quick answer.

I am glad to inform you that the problem of power tariff is solved

However, "JPY" does not appear in the currency setting pull-down menu on my PowerMeter monitor system.


1 we just add the currency "JPY" in our system, please check .

2 about your requirements in tiered rating,I think you can use this compromised method.

With the following settings, the correct charge will be calculated for consumption of 15kWh or more.

However, if the consumption is less than 15kWh, the result will not be correct.
(If the consumption is 15kWh or less, it will not be fixed $ 341.01)

Tiered Rate of Power Tariff (Grid Consumption)

       0 -15kwh : $22.734/kwh
  15 - 120kwh : $20.1/kwh

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